
(^=contributed equally, *=corresponding author)

  • ^So WL, ^Nong WY, ^Xie Y, ^Baril T, Ma HY, Qu Z, Haimovitz J, Swale T, Gaitan-Espitia JD, Lau KF, Tobe SS, Bendena WG, Kai ZP, Hayward A*, Hui JHL*. (2022). Myriapod genomes reveal ancestral horizontal gene transfer and hormonal gene loss in millipedes. Nature Communications, 13, 3010. (Link) Story also covered in: CUHKOALCroucherResearchNews
  • ^Nong WY, ^Yu Y, ^Aase-Remedios M, Xie Y, So WL, Li Y, Wong CF, Baril T, Law ST, Lai SY, Haimovitz J, Swale T, Chen SS, Kai ZP, Sun X, Wu Z, Hayward A, Ferrier DE*, Hui JHL*. (2022). Genome of the ramshorn snail Biomphalaria staminea – an obligate intermediate host of schistosomiasis. GigaScience, 11, giac012. (Link)
  • ^Shum CW, ^Nong WY, ^So WL, ^Li Y, Qu Z, Yip HY, Swale T, Ang PO, Chan KM, Chan TF, Chu KH, Chui AP, Lau KF, Ngai SM, Xu F, Hui JHL*.(2022). Genome of the sea anemone Exaiptasia pallida and transcriptome profiles during tentacle regeneration. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. (Link)
  • ^Law ST, ^Nong WY, So WL, Baril T, Swale T, Chan CB, Tobe SS, Kai ZP. Bendena WG, Hayward A, Hui JHL*. (2022). Chromosomal-level reference genome of the moth Heortia vitessoides (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a major pest of agarwood-producing trees.Genomics, 114(4), 110440. (Link)
  • ^So WL*, ^Ting KW, ^Lai SY, ^Huang EY, Ma Y, Chong TK, Yip HY, Lee HT, Cheung BC, Chan MK, Hong Kong Soil Biodiversity Consortium, Nong WY, Law MM*, Lai DY*, Hui JHL*. (accepted). Revealing the millipede and other soil-macrofaunal biodiversity in Hong Kong using a citizen science approach. Biodiversity Data Journal.
  • Huang EY, Law ST, Nong WN, Yin HY, Uea-Anuwong T, Magouras I, Hui JHL*. (2022). The screening for anticoagulant rodenticide gene VKORC1 polymorphism in the rat Rattus norvegicus, Rattus tanezumi and Rattus losea in Hong Kong. Scientific Reports, 12, 12545. (Link)
  • ^So WL, ^Kai ZP, Qu Z, Bendena WG*, Hui JHL*. (2022). Rethinking sesquiterpenoids: A widespread hormone in animals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(11), 5998. (Link)
  • ^Xie Y, ^Huang EY, ^Nong WY, ^Law ST, ^Yu YF, ^Cheung K, Li Y, Wong CF, Yip HY, Joyce P, Chan KM, Chu KH, Russell B*, Falkenberg L*, Hui JHL*. (2022). Population genomics, transcriptional response to heat shock, and gut microbiota of the Hong Kong oyster Magallana hongkongensis. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(2), 237. (Link)
  • ^Yu Y, ^Nong WY, So WL, Xie Y, Yip HY, Haimovitz J, Swale T, Baker DM, Bendena WG, Chan TF, Chui AP, Lau KF, Qian PY, Qiu JW, Fei X, Hui JHL*. (2022). Genome of elegance coral Catalaphyllia jardinei (Euphylliidae). Frontiers in Marine Science. (Link)